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Articles on How Short Sales Work from how to stop foreclosure information archive:
Get Free Foreclosure Advice In Minutes
Get your free on-line foreclosure refinance quote and foreclosure help in minutes. Explore your options and compare ways to prevent foreclosure... more...
By Working Short Sale Properties Real Estate Agents And Brokers Can Stay In The Game
If there was ever a time in the Real Estate business where learning a new skill could prove to be a life saver, then this is the time. With the virtual wave of foreclosures hitting the already over-crowded market, the prospect of Realtors and Brokers having their own income take a hit is a very ...
Dealing with Banks and Short Sales
As an investor and a coach I am getting more and more questions concerning short sales with banks. I get as many questions as a realtor by regular clients as well. There's a lot of confusion out there regarding the bank's decision to take a discount or not and then - if they do - how much will they ...
California Home Equity Sales Contract Act - A Mine Field for the Unprepared!
When I first got started in the real estate investing business in 2006, the avalanche of foreclosures was just beginning. Before attempting my first short sale here in Southern California, I discovered I needed to comply with Civil Code Section 1695 by using a very particular type of purchase and ...
Short Sales - 3 Key Factors Gurus Never Tell You About How To Do Short Sales
For those of you who are new to the Short Sale arena or new to real estate investment, let's first define what a "short sale" is and what it's SUPPOSED to accomplish. A short sale is the process of negotiating with a Mortgage Lender to convince them to accept less than the Homeowner's mortgage ...
I Want to Quit Because This Takes Work and Time
Let me ask a question. Who said it was going to be easy? Starting a new job can be incredibly intimidating. You do not know anyone and everything seems foreign. You are sweating bullets for the first few weeks. Then what happens? You start to learn and endure.There are no set rules for the job of ...
Real Estate Short Sales
You know how stress can complicate anything ? even when it's not your stress! In some ways, loss-mitigation specialists have to deal with the same problems that homeowners facing foreclosure do ? after all, they're just dealing with the other side of the coin! The good news ? for you and them ? is ...
Staying In The Game When The Rules Have Changed
If you are a real estate professional that is hitting the wall because the market has slowed to a crawl, you need to develop some new skills. If you would like some straight answers on the Short Sale process, you need to read this article. There was a statistic published locally here in the Central ...
Working With Short Sales
It was crushing, thinking I was hyperventilating, could not breath, totally could not understand how they were exiling me, heart and soul of the business. In my mind I was the backbone of this business, they had the audacity to be ousting me. I did not know how I was going to explain to my wife. ...
Five Tips to Make Your Pre Foreclosure Short Sales Easier
1. Work only with Preforeclosure Real Estate motivated sellers. Most homeowners who are in preforeclosure are feeling a great deal of anxiety and are looking for a way to correct the situation. If the homeowner believes they can catch up on the mortgage payments or otherwise reverse the foreclosure ...
Sun Tzu and the Art of the Short Sale
If you are not aware of just who Sun Tzu was, then you may want to go to and order The Art of War. It is an absolute must read for those in business. More than 2,500 years ago, there was a period in China known as the Age of Warring States. This was an age of great conflict and ...